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Challenges in following a thread

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    Nick A.'s picture
    Nick A.
    Joined: 11/12/2008 - 8:43pm
    Challenges in following a thread

    Hi Percy,

    I have seen post that are commenting about the challenges in following a thread. I have to agree. I posted a couple of suggestions in this forum, but none had replies, which makes me think that this forum is not being monitored (not true because I see later posts than mine) or I replied in the wrong part of the "vein" and you did not see it. (I would prefer to not have email delivered to my inbox for every reply to my posts, so I have that option unchecked. )

    My questions/suggestions have been:
    1. What is the purpose of the Glossary section of the site?
    2. Wouldn't it be more intuitive to have the most recent Rolling Wheels either at the top of the Archived list, or better yet at a prime level menu placement, instead of having to click on Membership, then clicking the newsletter, then scrolling down to find the latest copy and then clicking on it to open it. Instead, just post the most recent issue as a choice on the left menu so I can access it with one click.

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