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May General Meeting

    Date and Time of Event: 
    Thu, 05/07/2009 - 7:30pm

    The next General Meeting will be held on Thursday May 7th at 7:30 pm at the New Village Rec Center. There are a number of new topics that will be presented by the board and more information about rides both on and off the Island that will be of interest to ALL members. Also two new programs that will be of special interest to new members and to those of us who volunteer their time and effort to the club. And any Road Id orders that have not been distributed will be available for pick up at the meeting.

    Food of course will be served (I have it on good authority that since the weather has warmed up a bit it will not be Pizza). So once again; having to miss dinner is not an excuse to not attend.

    The Montauk Century follows just two day later so any last minute updates will be presented by Pete Oliveri and we will also have an update from Sue Sherman on Our Annual Bike-Boat-Bike ride.

    Our guest speakers will two of our very own members; Bob and Gerry Smith. Both are certified EMT's and will give a comprehensive presentation on First Aid and the proper procedures of handling any emergency that may occur during one of your rides. They will review proper procedure and what YOU should be carrying on a ride in the event of an emergency. This is definately a Must See. I urge everyone to attend as this knowledge may prove invaluable to you or a fellow member at some point in the future during a ride.

    Come Out, learn a little and make some new friends. I will also have constant updates on both The Yankee and Met games. No excuse to stay home.

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