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Bob and Josie's Century Training Rides helped many again this year

    Another successful year for
    Bob and Josie's Century Training Rides

    Here are a few comments ...

    I think at this point I have to take a minute to give a big THANKS to the organizers of the SBRA Century Training School rides, Bob and Josie Goykin. Bob has been the ride leader for each ride, and if you're not familiar with cycling, you may not know what all that entails. As a ride leader, Bob has the overall responsibility to show us how to ride safety, for ensuring that the group obeys the traffic rules, that we ride together, and that he knows at all times what's going on. Add to that an additional rule for our "training" group: No one can ride ahead of the ride leader. That means that for every ride Bob had the "privilege" of being the guy in front of the group taking on the brunt of any headwinds. He didn't get the chance to pull off the lead and "sit in" with the group. It's a lot harder than it sounds, and I'm truly thankful for all the effort he gave. Josie rode with us on one or two of the early rides, but then had to miss most of the rest due to work commitments. However, each Saturday she joined Bob with us at the start, made sure we all got signed in and had placed lunch orders, and helped with the pre-ride talk. On most of the later rides, she met us near the end and provided a sag (Support and Gear) vehicle should one be needed. Both Bob and Josie did this out of a love for cycling and it really showed. They handled all the questions we could throw at them, they helped fit some of the bikes and riders to each other, they provided advice and encouragement, and they even tolerated a lot of wise-ass comments from one of the riders in particular (I'm not confessing...just sayin').

    I don't doubt that I'd still be on-target for the June TdC century, even if I hadn't joined their group, but I've certainly enjoyed it more than I expected as a result of riding with them.

    I also need to give a "shout-out" to a guy that probably doesn't get quite as much recognition, and that's our "sweep" Mario Szczepanski. Mario had the responsibility to ride last in the group each week and make sure that no one got left behind. Since I found myself in his company a few times, I can certainly appreciate the way he handled his responsibilities. Mario was always ready with a smile, words of encouragement, and whatever was needed to keep his portion of the group moving.

    To Bob, Josie, and Mario...Thank You. To the rest of the SBRA "Bob and Josie riders"...I'm really looking forward to our century. I've had a great time getting reacquainted with a bike, and you've played a big role in that. Probably the biggest compliment I could give is this...if you're on Long Island, and you've ever thought of doing a century, or if you've ever thought "I can't do a century", then join Bob and Josie's group next spring...they'll help you, and you'll have fun while doing it.

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