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Recent Posts

    Type Title Author Replies Last Postsort ascending Status Class Distance Date and Time of ride
    Bike Ride Roller Coaster Rides Barbara 03/25/2012 - 6:48pm CANCELED C+ 18mi Wed, 06/13/2012 - 6:00pm
    Bike Ride Roller Coaster Rides Barbara 03/25/2012 - 6:48pm a go C+/B 18mi Wed, 05/30/2012 - 6:00pm
    Bike Ride Roller Coaster Rides Barbara 03/25/2012 - 6:47pm a go C+/B 18mi Wed, 05/16/2012 - 6:00pm
    Bike Ride Roller Coaster Rides Barbara 03/25/2012 - 6:41pm a go C+/B 18mi Wed, 04/18/2012 - 6:00pm
    Bike Ride Ride to Sunset Paul M. 1 03/25/2012 - 4:34pm a go B 25mi Tue, 03/27/2012 - 5:00pm
    Bike Ride Century Training for Mitch Art Searle 03/25/2012 - 4:07pm CANCELED A 46mi Sun, 04/01/2012 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Clone of Bruce's Midweek B Ride Dave D. 3 03/25/2012 - 3:45pm a go B 42mi Sun, 03/25/2012 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride 46 mile B+ Training Ride I will be at the ride start We can decide from there if we do 46 less or coffee pete 2 03/25/2012 - 11:26am CANCELED B+ 46mi Sun, 03/25/2012 - 9:15am
    Forum topic WTB: 10-speed cassette Legs 03/25/2012 - 10:04am
    Bike Ride Doug's Hill Ride Dan 3 03/25/2012 - 8:59am CANCELED B+/A- 54mi Sun, 03/25/2012 - 10:00am
    Shop Bike Ride CARL HART SHOP RIDE Darren F 03/24/2012 - 11:11pm CANCELED B+/A- 36mi Sat, 03/31/2012 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride SB2Wildwood Chris S 3 03/24/2012 - 6:18pm a go A 50mi Sat, 03/24/2012 - 8:30am
    Forum topic Bamboo frame bicycles and the Clinton Global Initiative T7 03/24/2012 - 3:52pm
    Bike Ride Eastport to Westhampton Beach Joe M. 03/24/2012 - 3:42pm CHANGED B- 16mi Sun, 03/25/2012 - 12:00pm
    Bike Ride A faster B Patpuff14 3 03/24/2012 - 2:58pm a go B 32mi Sat, 03/24/2012 - 9:15am
    Bike Ride Wading River Loop Lil B 1 03/24/2012 - 12:33pm a go B- 30mi Sat, 03/24/2012 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride SOUTH SHORE RIDE #2 Dawson 03/24/2012 - 10:03am a go C- 15mi Tue, 03/27/2012 - 5:30pm
    Bike Ride B sayville Richie 1 03/24/2012 - 7:45am a go B 38mi Sat, 03/24/2012 - 9:00am
    Shop Bike Ride Carl Hart Shop Ride Darren F 03/24/2012 - 5:34am a go B+/A- 36mi Sat, 03/24/2012 (All day)
    Bike Ride Century Training Ride 3 Tricia 03/22/2012 - 7:41pm CHANGED C+ 40mi Sat, 03/24/2012 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Squares New Ride from Rocky Point/Calverton NM-John M 6 03/22/2012 - 7:26pm CHANGED B 33mi Thu, 03/22/2012 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Bruce's Midweek "B" Century Training Ride Bruce 2 03/22/2012 - 6:37pm a go B 42mi Thu, 03/22/2012 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride TGIF Pie Ride Alley 1 03/22/2012 - 6:21pm a go B+ 32mi Fri, 03/23/2012 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Century Training Ride Joe M. 03/22/2012 - 8:42am a go B- 40mi Sat, 03/24/2012 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Century Training Glen C. 03/22/2012 - 5:33am CANCELED B+/A- 46mi Sun, 03/25/2012 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Kings Park Loops Phil C. 2 03/21/2012 - 8:06pm a go B+ 33mi Wed, 03/21/2012 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Evening Heckscher visit Shannon C. 2 03/21/2012 - 6:10pm a go B- 14mi Fri, 03/23/2012 - 5:30pm
    Bike Ride Rolling Hills Tricia 03/21/2012 - 5:40pm a go C+ 25mi Thu, 03/22/2012 - 4:00pm
    Page April 26, 2012 - Benefit Concert to honor police officers killed in the line of duty Brenda Meyer 03/21/2012 - 4:22pm
    Bike Ride Off to Old Field Point Dick C 03/21/2012 - 10:49am CANCELED B- 30mi Sat, 03/24/2012 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Century Training for Mitch Art Searle 03/21/2012 - 8:08am CANCELED A 46mi Sun, 03/25/2012 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Area 51: Episode XI - Round the Circles 180,90,270 ALF 03/20/2012 - 11:03pm a go B+/A- 50mi Sat, 03/24/2012 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Manorville to Cupsouge-50Mile John Beck 2 03/20/2012 - 7:42pm a go B+ 50mi Tue, 03/20/2012 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Weakday Century Training make-up Art Searle 1 03/20/2012 - 6:09pm a go A 40mi Tue, 03/20/2012 - 9:00am
    Forum topic march 25-closure of nichols road!!! guruguy 3 03/20/2012 - 4:57pm


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