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Where’s Dear Abby when you need her.

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    Joined: 11/11/2008 - 5:38pm
    Where’s Dear Abby when you need her.

    It’s 2:30 am and I’m thinking about riding my bike. I can’t sleep. I feel like a kid on the night before Christmas. It’s Saturday and in a few hours I’ll be meeting up with a group of my favorite people and were going on a bike ride!
    I have been leading rides for a couple years with SBRA and loving it but lately I have been having a problem. I always wait until a day or so before the 8th day of the month to post my rides for the following month. This way I can see what rides are posted and work a schedule out around the posted rides. It is my understanding that SBRA prefers to have rides posted early so they can be listed in the news letter. Posting rides 4 to 8 weeks before the ride takes place isn’t working for me. I feel like I’m painting myself into a corner. I recently canceled my posted rides for this reason. With this new website people post rides a couple days before the rides takes place so the big ride picture is not in place when I post my rides. Lately there have been a lot of GREAT rides posted just a couple days before they take place. I find myself regretting that I posted my rides because I want to go on the other rides. Where’s Dear Abby when you need her.

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