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Good road bike for ~$750

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    Joined: 06/12/2011 - 3:58pm
    Good road bike for ~$750

    (NOTE: This was already posted once, but deleted because of the hardware failure earlier this week.)

    Backstory: A friend of mine just got hit by a car, and though he's generally OK, his bike is not. He is an enthusiastic rider that was hoping to do his first century with SBRA on the Bike–Boat–Bike, but he's now bikeless. If insurance comes through, he will have about $750 to work with. Does anyone have a rig they're willing to part with for about that amount? He will most likely be comfortable on a 56cm frame, depending on specific geometry of course.

    You can either post your response here or email me: benjamin[dot]downs[at]gmail[dot]com.


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