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Accident Insurance for Cyclists ...

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    Stormnnorman's picture
    Joined: 11/10/2008 - 4:51pm
    Accident Insurance for Cyclists ...

    Here's something that you may find interesting:
    "Dear Richmond MORE Members,

    After having one of our own injured in a mountain bike accident while “just riding along” we thought that some of you members might be interested in this.

    What happens if you have an accident on your bike, and are seriously disabled, or killed? Even with good medical insurance, how will your living expenses be covered? What will happen to your family? Many cyclists are concerned about this, including an avid and adventuresome cyclist from Richmond.

    Affinity Group Underwriters, are creating an insurance product to address this need. But they need your feedback about benefits and pricing. Please take the time to complete a survey (, and read about the proposed benefits (


    Thank You,

    Richmond MORE

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