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A Very Unlikely Accident Occurred While Joe B Was on His Bicycle ...

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    Stormnnorman's picture
    Joined: 11/10/2008 - 4:51pm
    A Very Unlikely Accident Occurred While Joe B Was on His Bicycle ...

    Many of us know the road and the golf course on the south side ... Joe was unfortunate to be at the wrong place at the wrong time ... here's what I received from him tonight:

    "While coming back from Riverhead we were going west on Grumman Blvd. when all of a sudden WHAM.

    Someone hooked a shot and it went out onto the road and hit me in the upper lip. What a shock. I knew right away what it was and waited for the guys who were playing to come up. Called the ambulance and they took me to Peconic Bay ER where I got stitched up by a plastic surgeon with about 10-15 stitches. Lots of blood but no broken teeth but they are sore."

    The golfer and his golfing party did react appropriately and came off the course and supplied all the info requested by Joe ... he also retrieved the ball.

    I'm sure all Joe's friends are wishing him a fast recovery.

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