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Super deal on last minute spot for a very special cycling tour -- "Cycle Chile"

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    Joined: 11/07/2008 - 10:03pm
    Super deal on last minute spot for a very special cycling tour -- "Cycle Chile"

    I am not promoting this, but woud like to point this opportunity out:

    Last minute super deal/steep discount due to cancellation -- do you love to travel and explore places by bike possibly never been and ride with a small group? All inclusive. Supported. 7 days riding. Not too crazy, a relaxed schedule. What about Southern Chile? I am not promoting or organizing this, but was part of last year's inaugural Beta Testing Tour and it was beyond awesome :) I am on board again. Core tour dates: Nov 3-11.

    See here for my own report of the past tour:

    official site: Contact: Dieter Beta CyclingTours Drake

    Dieter Beta CyclingTours Drake: The cost is $2900 per person + airfare, all inclusive, for 8 days and 7 nights for anyone interested.

    And at any time -- you can jump in the van and skip a section if needed for any reason -- Distance options each day.

    And the best: Everything included: loding, breakfast/lunch on the road/restaurate/depending on location, awesome dinner plus #freebeer #freewine. :)


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