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NY's 3 Foot Safe Passing Bill Update

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    Tom G
    Joined: 10/17/2013 - 2:49pm
    NY's 3 Foot Safe Passing Bill Update

    The NY Bicycle Coalition sent out an email blast this afternoon stating that the 3 Foot Safe Passing Bill had passed the NY State Senate over a month ago. The bill had been sent over to the Assembly for a vote, but it seems to be held up by the Assembly’s Transportation Committee. The coalition is asking everyone who agrees with the bill to reach out to their Assembly representative.

    NYBC Email:

    The bill to make 3 feet the safe passing minimum sailed through the State Senate over a month ago but continues to face an ongoing hurdle in the Assembly.  Despite an absolute deluge of messages across all media late last week to Assemblyman David Gantt of Rochester, we just learned that A9189a, the 3' safe passing law, will NOT be on the agenda for the next meeting of the NYS Assembly Transportation Committee.   That committee will be meeting once more before the NYS Legislature adjourns June 16th.  NYBC is asking you to continue to apply pressure directed to your local Assembly member.

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