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Bike & Boats for Sale (Peddle-Paddle Possible Package!)

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    Joined: 07/23/2013 - 10:11am
    Bike & Boats for Sale (Peddle-Paddle Possible Package!)

    I have the following items for sale:

    1. Diamondback Edgewood Hybrid Bike. Frame is size large, 19" which translates to about 54cm frame on a road bike. Has quick-release seat post, easy to adjust, triple-crank chain rings are 50/39/30 cassette is 7speed, 11-30. Has SPD style pedals. Color is black & white. Bike is good for commuting, hill-rides (low gearing) and club rides. Rode this bike many times on rolling/hilly terrain. Solid. Asking $75

    2. Sea Kayak, Perception, Color is Yellow, has rudder, two storage compartments. Needs to be cleaned. I will also include the paddle. Boat is about 17' long. Moves well through the water. Good for daytrips. Moving, no room for kayak. Asking $150.

    3. Sunfish Sailboat, hull and gel-coat in good condition. Spars, mast, dagger board, rudder and tiller good condition. Will need a sail. Fun boat to sail, very easy. Boat is easy to right. Color is Green.
    Moving, definitely no room. Asking $300 or best offer.

    If interested in any items, or the bike & kayak for "peddle-paddle" please contact me at 631-235-7937

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