1. Start - Start out easy by spinning the first few miles to allow the group to warm up. This allows riders to adapt to riding with each other and begins to establish the group spirit.
2. Water Stop - After the first few miles and at regular intervals thereafter have a water stop and check with your riders that all is okay. If a rider cannot handle the announced pace and terrain, you should provide instructions and if necessary assistance to assure their safe return to the start.
3. Speed - Maintain the posted average speed of your ride's classification. Don't be afraid to suggest that the “rabbits” go on ahead as individuals. The Ride Leader and Sweep must work together as a team, taking reasonable control to ensure that the group works together. Maintain group discipline.
4. Regroup - Regroup by temporarily slowing the pace or stopping when making a major turn. Stop if part of the group gets caught at a traffic light. Be patient. Maintain contact with all riders of your group. Avoid dropping any riders. Remember that this is a sport touring ride and not a race. When stopping, and at a rest stop make sure that all riders are safely off the road.
5. Rest Stop - Make your primary rest stop the focal point of your ride. Enjoy social interaction at the rest stop. Stops can vary depending on the mood of the group. Provide additional short water and rest room stops on longer and more strenuous rides. Generally the primary rest stops last about 20 to 30 minutes unless a special destination is planned requiring more time. Respect the environment by properly disposing of trash. |