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Recent Posts

    Type Title Author Replies Last Postsort ascending Status Class Distance Date and Time of ride
    Forum topic Bike for sale Peter V 04/02/2012 - 6:23pm
    Forum topic Bike for sale Peter V 04/02/2012 - 6:23pm
    Forum topic the Three Village Historical Society Spycycle tour lin 04/02/2012 - 3:29pm
    Bike Ride Century Training Art Searle 2 04/02/2012 - 1:55pm CHANGED B+/A- 46mi Sun, 04/01/2012 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Stony Brook Hills John L. 04/02/2012 - 11:12am a go A 30mi Wed, 04/04/2012 - 5:15pm
    Bike Ride Century Training Ride Joe M. 04/02/2012 - 9:31am CHANGED B- 50mi Sat, 04/07/2012 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Century Training 5 Tricia 04/02/2012 - 7:36am a go C+ 50mi Sat, 04/07/2012 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride R. Hills 3 Tricia 04/02/2012 - 7:31am a go C+ 24mi Tue, 04/03/2012 - 4:15pm
    Bike Ride Bruce's "B" Century MakeUp Training Ride Bruce 2 04/01/2012 - 9:43pm a go B 45mi Sun, 04/01/2012 - 8:45am
    Bike Ride !!!46 mile B+ Training Ride See collection info below!!! pete 3 04/01/2012 - 9:15pm a go B+ 46mi Sun, 04/01/2012 - 9:15am
    Shop Bike Ride Carl Hart Shop Ride Darren F 04/01/2012 - 8:28pm a go B+/A- 36mi Sat, 04/07/2012 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Shufflin' Off to Shoreham Dick C 04/01/2012 - 6:55pm a go B- 30mi Thu, 04/05/2012 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Evening Heckscher visit Shannon C. 04/01/2012 - 6:36pm a go B- 15mi Fri, 04/06/2012 - 5:30pm
    Bike Ride SOUTH SHORE RIDE #2 Dawson 04/01/2012 - 3:45pm a go C- 15mi Tue, 04/03/2012 - 5:30pm
    Bike Ride Wildwood Flash 04/01/2012 - 2:38pm CHANGED C+ 32mi Sun, 04/08/2012 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Manorville easy C+ Flash 04/01/2012 - 2:32pm a go C+ 25mi Fri, 04/06/2012 - 10:00am
    Forum topic the tree that ate a bike lin 03/31/2012 - 7:42pm
    Bike Ride Century Training 4 Tricia 1 03/31/2012 - 6:11am a go C+ 45mi Sun, 04/01/2012 - 9:00am
    Location Crossroads Plaza/Seepys 89 Rte25a Rocky point NY NM-John M 03/31/2012 - 12:22am
    Bike Ride Area 51 - Episode 12: In Search of the L.G.M. ALF 3 03/30/2012 - 10:33pm CANCELED B+ 50mi Sat, 03/31/2012 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Kings Park to Northport Phil C. 2 03/30/2012 - 8:13pm a go B+ 34mi Fri, 03/30/2012 - 9:15am
    Page One of our own, a cyclist and SBRA member, lost his home to fire last week Brenda Meyer 03/30/2012 - 4:43pm
    Bike Ride South Shore Ride Joe M. 03/30/2012 - 3:37pm a go B- 15mi Wed, 04/04/2012 - 6:00pm
    Bike Ride Manorville WHB John Beck 1 03/30/2012 - 2:35pm a go B+ 35mi Fri, 03/30/2012 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Smith Point Art Searle 2 03/30/2012 - 7:53am a go A 38mi Thu, 03/29/2012 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Manorville easy C Flash 03/30/2012 - 7:36am a go C 25mi Sun, 04/01/2012 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Coram to Wading River Kittybike 03/30/2012 - 12:07am a go B- 32mi Sun, 04/01/2012 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Ride out to the bean & bagel and look at the Deer NM-John M 2 03/29/2012 - 9:59pm a go B 33mi Thu, 03/29/2012 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Beginner D Ride Jeff Meyer 3 03/29/2012 - 8:17pm a go D 12mi Sun, 04/01/2012 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Slow Hills lin 03/29/2012 - 12:50pm a go C+ 19mi Tue, 04/17/2012 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Slow Hills lin 03/29/2012 - 12:46pm a go C+ 19mi Tue, 04/10/2012 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Slow Hills lin 03/29/2012 - 12:46pm a go C+ 19mi Tue, 04/03/2012 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Eastport going east Bob Miller 03/29/2012 - 2:19am CANCELED C- 22mi Sat, 03/31/2012 - 1:45pm
    Bike Ride Center Moriches Zigzag Bob Miller 03/29/2012 - 2:16am CANCELED C/D 22mi Sat, 03/31/2012 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride East End Century Training Option mike 03/28/2012 - 7:34pm CANCELED B 50mi Sat, 03/31/2012 - 9:00am


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