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Recent Posts

    Type Title Author Replies Last Postsort ascending Status Class Distance Date and Time of ride
    Bike Ride Connnetquot *CANCELLED* Bobby 02/07/2013 - 9:41pm CANCELED B- 18mi Sun, 02/24/2013 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Connnetquot *CANCELLED* Bobby 02/07/2013 - 9:38pm CANCELED B- 18mi Sun, 02/17/2013 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Patchogue *CANCELLED* Bobby 02/07/2013 - 9:31pm CANCELED B- 18mi Sat, 02/16/2013 - 10:00am
    SBRA Event CANCELLED: March General Meeting: Port Jeff - Wading River Rails to Trails Paul M. 02/07/2013 - 11:21am Thu, 03/07/2013 - 7:00pm
    Bike Ride GR Route Mixup Stormnnorman 02/06/2013 - 1:24pm CANCELED B/B+ 8mi Thu, 02/07/2013 - 9:30am
    SBRA Event SBRA Super Cycling Saturday 2013 Web Editor 02/05/2013 - 4:12pm Sat, 03/02/2013 - 9:00am
    Forum topic non topic Pat B. 02/04/2013 - 8:11pm
    Shop Bike Ride Carl Hart Shop Ride Darren F 02/04/2013 - 10:49am CANCELED B+/A- 36mi Sat, 02/09/2013 - 8:00am
    Forum topic Lost Ride Sheet from My 12/16/12 Ride.... (Area 51 - Season 2, Episode 4: Another Helping of Fruitcakes) ALF 02/03/2013 - 8:51pm
    Forum topic DUPLICATE !!! Lost Ride Sheet from My 12/16/12 Ride.... (Area 51 - Season 2, Episode 4: Another Helping of Fruitcakes) ALF 02/03/2013 - 8:51pm
    Bike Ride Area 51 - S2.E10: Life is an (Alien) Highway ALF 2 02/03/2013 - 8:31pm a go B+/A- 36mi Sat, 02/02/2013 - 10:00am
    Forum topic Randonneuring on Long Island Paul M 3 02/03/2013 - 1:27pm
    Forum topic SOLD freddy 02/02/2013 - 3:05pm
    Bike Ride calveRton mtb bike guruguy 4 02/02/2013 - 2:08pm a go Multi 10mi Sat, 02/02/2013 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride Oakdale to Corey Beach Joe M. 02/01/2013 - 8:40am CANCELED B- 18mi Sun, 02/03/2013 - 12:30pm
    Bike Ride Belmont lake to Babylon town docks hen 01/31/2013 - 8:14pm a go C 12mi Sun, 02/03/2013 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Souper Bowl Ride - Venue Change Stormnnorman 5 01/31/2013 - 8:09pm a go Multi 8mi Sun, 02/03/2013 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Still Don't Know** CANCELED** Bobby 01/31/2013 - 1:15pm CANCELED B- 20mi Wed, 02/06/2013 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Don't Know ** CANCELLED" Bobby 01/31/2013 - 1:15pm CANCELED B- 20mi Tue, 02/05/2013 - 10:00am
    Forum topic SBRA Montauk Century question Vince 9 01/30/2013 - 8:32pm
    Forum topic indoor cycling guruguy 4 01/29/2013 - 11:05pm
    Bike Ride "when there is nothing else to do" ride guruguy 6 01/29/2013 - 11:03pm a go B+ 32mi Tue, 01/29/2013 - 9:15am
    Bike Ride Ride is ON Tricia 01/29/2013 - 6:31pm a go C+ 20mi Sat, 02/02/2013 - 11:00am
    Shop Bike Ride Carl Hart Shop Ride Darren F 01/29/2013 - 1:21pm CANCELED B+/A- 36mi Sat, 02/02/2013 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride CANCELED - Full Moon Ride Stormnnorman 01/28/2013 - 3:03pm CANCELED B/B+ 8mi Tue, 01/29/2013 - 6:30pm
    Bike Ride Full Moon Ride Stormnnorman 1 01/28/2013 - 3:01pm CANCELED B/B+ 8mi Mon, 01/28/2013 - 6:30pm
    Bike Ride Eastport Bobby 01/27/2013 - 11:20am a go B- 20mi Sat, 02/02/2013 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Connnetquot**CANCELLED DUE TO SNOW** Bobby 01/27/2013 - 11:15am CANCELED B- 18mi Sun, 02/03/2013 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Don't Know Bobby 01/26/2013 - 12:02pm a go B- 20mi Wed, 01/30/2013 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Train ride Patpuff14 1 01/26/2013 - 6:45am CANCELED B+ 32mi Sun, 01/27/2013 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Joy's Birthday Ride Joe M. 5 01/25/2013 - 10:51pm CANCELED B- 18mi Sat, 01/26/2013 - 11:00am
    Forum topic Bike Tune Up NM-John M 2 01/25/2013 - 4:28pm
    Bike Ride Babylon town docks To Belmont lake. hen 01/24/2013 - 10:57am a go C 13mi Sun, 01/27/2013 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride If It Doesn't Snow**CANCELLED** Bobby 01/24/2013 - 9:40am CANCELED B- 12mi Sat, 01/26/2013 - 10:30am
    Bike Ride calveton guruguy 10 01/22/2013 - 12:13pm a go B/B+ 10mi Tue, 01/22/2013 - 9:00am


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