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    Type Title Author Replies Last Postsort ascending Status Class Distance Date and Time of ride
    Forum topic Skidaway island bike club GA update Bill G. 03/17/2010 - 6:36pm
    Bike Ride Weakday Century Training make-up Art Searle 1 03/17/2010 - 5:14pm a go B 30mi Wed, 03/17/2010 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Multilevel Century Training Ride Joe M. 1 03/17/2010 - 11:47am CHANGED B- 30mi Sun, 03/21/2010 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Manorville D ride Flash 1 03/16/2010 - 8:09pm a go D 13mi Sat, 03/20/2010 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Birthday Hill Ride christine 7 03/16/2010 - 4:43pm a go B 17mi Tue, 03/16/2010 - 11:30am
    Bike Ride revenge of the ground hog guruguy 2 03/16/2010 - 4:23pm a go B+ 32mi Tue, 03/16/2010 - 8:45am
    Bike Ride Bruce's "B" Century training ride Pre-Ride Bruce 03/15/2010 - 10:35pm a go B 40mi Thu, 03/18/2010 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride Mulltilevel Training Rides Glen C. 5 03/15/2010 - 2:46pm a go B+/A- 30mi Sun, 03/14/2010 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride saturday fun ride Robert S. 03/14/2010 - 11:27pm a go C+ 30mi Sat, 03/20/2010 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Multilevel Century Training Rides Stormnnorman 20 03/14/2010 - 7:51pm a go B+ 30mi Sun, 03/14/2010 - 9:00am
    Forum topic continuation.................... guruguy 2 03/13/2010 - 3:53pm
    Bike Ride Pine Barrens easy C Flash 03/13/2010 - 12:20pm a go C 23mi Wed, 03/17/2010 - 10:00am
    Forum topic Bob and Josie's training rides Dee 1 03/13/2010 - 4:44am
    Shop Bike Ride Kreb March Madness Edition John 2 03/12/2010 - 3:54pm a go B+/A- 30mi Fri, 03/12/2010 - 8:30am
    Forum topic "Instant" Bike Routes on Google John G 3 03/11/2010 - 5:53pm
    Forum topic Riding partner Duke 2 03/11/2010 - 5:16pm
    Bike Ride Early Weekend Ride Art Searle 2 03/11/2010 - 3:59pm a go B+/A- 40mi Thu, 03/11/2010 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Honest B Thursday Training Ride christine 1 03/11/2010 - 3:43pm a go B 32mi Thu, 03/11/2010 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Eastport to Westhampton Beach Bob Miller 03/11/2010 - 12:15am CANCELED C- 30mi Sat, 03/13/2010 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Century Training Ride Flash 1 03/10/2010 - 6:35pm CANCELED C 40mi Sun, 03/21/2010 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Short and Flat lin 2 03/10/2010 - 2:47pm a go D 15mi Wed, 03/10/2010 - 10:00am
    Forum topic cue sheets Frank L 4 03/10/2010 - 12:15pm
    Bike Ride Beat the rain Paul M. 03/10/2010 - 11:59am CANCELED B 20mi Fri, 03/12/2010 - 3:30pm
    Forum topic Google Maps Adds Bike Directions christine 03/10/2010 - 8:58am
    Forum topic SBRA Goes Bowling pete 03/10/2010 - 5:15am
    Bike Ride Multilevel Century Training Ride Joe M. 2 03/09/2010 - 9:47pm CHANGED B- 30mi Sun, 03/14/2010 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Slow Hills lin 4 03/09/2010 - 7:57pm a go C 17mi Tue, 03/09/2010 - 11:00am
    Bike Ride Weakday Century Training make-up Art Searle 7 03/09/2010 - 5:38pm a go B+/A- 30mi Tue, 03/09/2010 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Manorville C Flash 03/09/2010 - 3:41pm a go C 23mi Thu, 03/11/2010 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Afternoon Delight Tricia 2 03/09/2010 - 8:38am CHANGED C 25mi Sun, 03/07/2010 - 1:30pm
    Bike Ride Multilevel Century Training Ride Joe M. 03/08/2010 - 8:59pm CHANGED B- 40mi Sun, 03/28/2010 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Wednesday night MT Bike ride John S 03/08/2010 - 8:10pm a go A 15mi Wed, 03/10/2010 - 5:30pm
    Bike Ride Spring Welcome Ride Dick C 03/08/2010 - 8:02pm a go D 15mi Sat, 04/17/2010 - 9:00am
    Forum topic n2s challenge guruguy 03/08/2010 - 7:07pm
    Forum topic B ride training video for sunday 3/7/10 Brian M 1 03/08/2010 - 6:30pm


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