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Open SBRA Board Positions - Volunteers Needed

    Please help the club and volunteer for one of these open positions:

    Recording Secretary
    The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors and also the minutes of the meetings of Members. He/She shall have charge of such books and papers as the Board may direct. He/She shall keep a Membership Roll containing the names, alphabetically arranged, of all persons who are members of the Club, showing their place of residence and the time when they became members. This responsibility shall fall under the Membership Subcommittee.

    Rides Director
    The Rides Director shall be responsible for the operation of the following committees:
    Bike Boat Bike
    Charity Ride (Guide Dog Ride)
    Railroad Ride (Montauk Century)
    Ride Chairperson

    Quartermaster Committee Chairperson
    He/She shall be responsible for keeping accurate records all items purchased by SBRA, the location of same, and, if borrowed, to whom and date of return (also includes management of club storage unit).

    Please email:

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    Please send comments & questions about the SBRA site to the SBRA-Webmaster.