Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
I acquiesce to the judgement of my companieros. Thus, we'll have to table this ride until sometime in the fall.
3 PointRide plus PostRideEvents: cleanup, dinner (suggestion-Old Mill Inn, Mattituck Inlet), Custer Institute (Perseid Meteor Shower). Bring chair, dim red shielded flashlight, bug spray. See Pat Brennan's ride for more information about the Custer event. Wheels down/ready to roll promptly at 2:30 PM.
Dinner Directions: Old Mill Inn, 5775 West Mill Road Mattituck, NY 11952; 631-298-8080; Think NoRain!!!!!
* West on Rte 48 from Mattituck RR station.
* Rt – Cox Neck Road
* Rt – West Mill to end.