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2011 SBRA Volunteers - Check Your Email ASAP (Sent May 4, 2012)

    All 2011 SBRA volunteers have been sent an important email about an SBRA Volunteer Party (Sent May 4, 2012).
    If you believe you were a volunteer during 2011 and DID NOT receive an email ...

    Please contact Bob DeVito ASAP:

    In appreciation of those who volunteered during 2011, SBRA is hosting our First Annual Volunteer Appreciation Party.  This is separate from our awards program geared specifically for ride leaders and sweeps, as we have many volunteers who may not lead rides or cycle.

    Without the efforts of many volunteers each year, SBRA would not continue to provide the exceptional level of group riding and social activities to our membership. SBRA values our volunteers and is delighted to have the opportunity to show our appreciation for their efforts.

    If you have not yet volunteered to assist SBRA in one of our many activities, we encourage you to give it a try this year. The personal reward you'll experience as an SBRA volunteer will be worth every minute of your donated time. We look forward to seeing your name on this years SBRA Volunteers list.

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