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Smithtown to Laurel Hollow

    Phil C.'s picture
    Date and Time of ride: 
    Sat, 04/21/2012 - 8:00am
    Ride Level
    Note: guests welcome for 1 ride, $40 Annual SBRA Membership required thereafter.
    Updated to Structured
    Road Bike
    Details (RL read field instructions carefully): 

    **** CHANGE OF PLANS ****

    Today I drove the part of the original route that included the roads I'm least familiar with.... and may I say.... they were chopped-up, narrow, and more highly trafficked than I anticipated... so.... we're on to PLAN B.

    We'll still leave from Smithtown Library.... but now we go out to Eatons Neck, Northport, Centerport, Huntington, and Laurel Hollow.

    This is a very hilly unstructured ride. It's 68 miles and (did I mention) it will be very hilly. The elevation gain will be over 3000' 4000'.

    Here's a link to the likely route:

    From that link, you can print a cue sheet. Bring one if you're worried about being too fast or too slow.

    I'm in the B+ part of the B+/A classification and this route probably won't be easy for me. So.....

    FASTER RIDERS: If "A" riders show for the ride, and my pace is too slow.... then wait patiently or have a printed cue sheet and go off the front.

    SLOWER RIDERS: Don't choose this as your first hilly ride of the season. It's posted as a B+/A because that is SBRA's lowest ride classification that allows for dropping riders from the group. The ride needs to keep moving forward with limited re-grouping. If the group needs to wait for someone too often, they'll be given a cue sheet verbal directions, a friendly pat on the back for encouragement, and a sincere wish for a pleasant solo ride.

    Anyone who rode either my Sagamore Hill Ride two weeks ago or any of my Kings Park ride-starts will enjoy this ride... even though the route will be more challenging.

    Ride Participants (arrive 20 minutes before ride start time)
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    Ride Statistics
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