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Oktoberfest 4 Slowpokes (like me !)

    John G's picture
    Date and Time of ride: 
    Sat, 10/15/2011 - 8:30am
    a go
    Ride Level
    Note: guests welcome for 1 ride, $40 Annual SBRA Membership required thereafter.
    Road Bike
    Details (RL read field instructions carefully): 

    Don't let the Energizer Bunnies beat us to the beer !!
    Note: we're leaving a little earlier at 8:30 so we can cover the same distance and still be back around the same time as the faster groups.
    Please arrive by 8:00 so you can get organized in time.

    Description below unabashedly plagiarized from Jeff's original post .... (thank you !)
    Join us for a multi-level ride where we will all end up back at the Patchogue RR Station around the same time. After the ride we will go around the corner to the Blue Point Brewery where you may sample a cold one (or two), take a Beer Tour, and/or socialize with your friends.
    This ride will be on a new route provided by Jeff, which will take us from Patchogue to Sayville, around Holtsville, into Bellport, and back to Patchogue. Bring snacks (or you may pick something up at 7-Eleven) for our bathroom break at the Holtsville Ecology Center. This will be a structured C+ ride, with an average of 12.6 - 12.9, with cue sheets, and no one will be dropped.... except maybe ... me :-)

    Ride Participants (arrive 20 minutes before ride start time)
    Sign-In Sheet (Admin Use Only - after ride): 
    Ride Statistics
    Ride Leaders: 

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