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Monthly General Meeting August 2011 (ICE CREAM NIGHT)

    Date and Time of Event: 
    Thu, 08/04/2011 - 7:00pm

    This meeting is the SBRA annual ice cream night, served by Joy Macana-Tillman and Hava Samuels.
    Be the center of attention. Wear your SBRA Club Store apparel and show off our marvelous merchandise.


    Paul Murray, SBRA member, will be speaking about Randonneuring which Paul defines as follows:
    "Randonneuring goes beyond the century rides in distance. It requires detailed preparation and months of training. It demands strength in your legs and also in the head. I will try to show what is required to undertake a successful series of brevets (the rides a randonneur undertakes) so that you finish the season a Super Randonneur!"

    Paul Miklean
    SBRA Vice President of Administration

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