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Hidden Pond Park to Heckscher's 30

    John G's picture
    Date and Time of ride: 
    Sun, 07/17/2011 - 8:00am
    a go
    Ride Level
    Note: guests welcome for 1 ride, $40 Annual SBRA Membership required thereafter.
    Road Bike
    Details (RL read field instructions carefully): 

    A lightly-revised version of the famous Hooters-to-Heckscher 27, that adds a 3 mile loop to avoid the 1 "stimulating intersection".

    Almost entirely flat, scenic ride passing Connectquot Park, through Heckscher Park and back.
    Outbound is slightly downhill - you'll do 16+ mph without even noticing it.
    Return is reverse - you'll work a bit harder at 11 mph.
    We'll average approx. 13+ mph ... No one will be dropped.
    Approx. 3 hours of pedalling and cheerful company. (unless somebody decides to go swimming at Heckscher)
    If nobody has an equipment problem, we should be back at the start by 11:30.

    Re-feuling at either the Timberpoint Deli or Golf course - majority rules.

    Please post your name at comments tab if you're planning on joining us to give us an idea of how many riders we'll have, so we can provide enough supervision for a safe ride .... thanx !

    Please indicate if you have experience as a sweep as we don't have one at the moment.

    NO GO if wet roads ! Call B4 7:00 AM if in doubt. | Cellphone Day of Ride Only: 516 395 9129


    View Hidden Pond Park (Rinx) / Heckscher 27 in a larger map

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