Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
Note, this is a long ride so plan your day accordingly. This ride is very weather dependent, so it is imperative that you check the ride calendar the day of the ride for changes, which would be posted by 07:30am. To join the ride, text Bill G. at 631-356-3036 with your full name and date of ride. This ride has numerous water views and several historical sites. Bring snacks and water for our stops. There will be a lunch stop at the Orient General Store( at your expense), which has excellent sandwiches at reasonable prices If you want to work your way up to a HIGHER MILEAGE RIDE, this might be a good ride for you. Orient Point State Park has picnic tables and restrooms, and of course views of the Atlantic Ocean. Text if you have any questions. The number of riders will be limited, We can treat ourselves to great ice cream at the end of the ride, at the magic fountain.