Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
Plan to arrive a little early as the lot will fill fast this weekend; If the lot is filled when you get there ... drive down to Whiskey Road, head west and park at the small lot at the end of the field or on the north shoulder ... avoid parking in the community on the south side of Whiskey Road.
You need a DEC Access/Parking pass to ride in Rocky. To my knowledge there was not much checking last year but the early part of the season is more likely to be when they check your front windshield for parking.
As usual I'll be the Ride Organizer and not the lead rider depending on who shows. I plan to skip the west side loop. Regardless of your ability you can always hang with me as I'm slower than lots of faster riders. We'll skip some of the Black Diamonds. SBRA insurance requires that Mtn Bike riders MUST sign a Ride Sign In sheet for each Mtn Bike ride.
PLEASE text [631-988-6557]/email me at [nsamuels@] include your name, SBRA #, EMERGENCY # and your cell #. I will fill out the Ride Sign In sheet and you will only have to sign it.