Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
I delayed the ride to Friday and hopefully we'll enjoy the sunshine
because we'll need it ... BUT PLEASE let me know if you plan on attending ... I plan to be there as I got another rider coming BUT may have to cancel if the roads are too icy in the AM ... PLEASE Check back before leaving for the ride.
SBRA insurance REQUIRES that Mtn Bike riders MUST sign a Ride Sign In sheet for each Mtn Bike ride. Please text [631-988-6557]/email me at [nsamuels@] include your name, SBRA #, EMERGENCY # and your cell #. I will fill out the Ride Sign In sheet and you will only have to sign it.
You must have a mask on your person to ride and we will maintain more than 15 feet a part in the woods.
Check back to this posting before leaving for the ride as Life Happens and Things Change.
Also, please remember your SBRA Membership renewal ... so I don't miss riding the week of February 28th ;-)