We will go to Patchogue, or Around Holbrook depending on the wind direction. If we do Holbrook it will be about 24 miles. If we do Patchogue figure about 27 miles. Patchogue equals McDonalds. Holbrook means a bagel after the ride. The road speed will be 15.5/17. Pulling is always appreciated. We'll come in with a B minus average plus or minus a few.
The average could be higher if we find a big downhill with the wind at our back.
It could also be lower, if we find a big hill with a head wind, and we decide to walk.
Then again, the whole ride could change, so stay flexible, not ridged, it's the Tuesday ride. We're supposed to have fun. If you want to do Ronkonkoma again, we can do that. This is just a very indecisive morning for me. Ah, maybe it will rain, or snow, or the groundhog will see its shadow. Opps, I think that happened. Think I'm done talking about this ride - my attempt at humor is getting skewed.
Any cancellation due to weather or any other circumstance will be posted no later than 0715 if necessary. If you have question about the ride just text me at 631.484.3490. Eventually my phone and I will meet in a reasonable amount of time...
Note: Spell check not used, too lazy...