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Gold Coast Tour 70 B+/A Ride on Sunday, July 11, 2021

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    Lisa V
    Joined: 11/08/2014 - 9:39am
    Gold Coast Tour 70 B+/A Ride on Sunday, July 11, 2021

    The HBC Gold Coast Tour is happening this year as an unsupported self-guided ride. No formal rest stops. I will lead a B+/A level group on the 70 mile route starting at 8:00am with 2-3 informal rest stops. 

    Please download the route to your device:

    No fee to attend this event BUT HBC would like you to join the club ($25 per individual/couple/family) in order to be covered by their LAB insurance policy for the ride. Go here for details:

    Ride start location is: Greenlawn LIRR parking lot, Gates Street (between Broadway and Taylor Ave), Greenlawn.

    Please text me with any questions (516) 818-7855





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