Suffolk Bicycle Riders Association (SBRA) - Photo Gallery

Elyse & Marty - London to Karkow

Elyse & Marty 's London to Karkow trip: Elyse and Marty Buchman had an adventure of riding, unsupported, from London, UK to Karakow, Poland. They rode a total of 2,000+ miles in just over 5 weeks. The reported mileage is approximate because their one unfortunate incident occurred when their trip computer was stolen. Elyse and Marty had 2-3 day stop over’s in all the major cities they rode through. This adventurous couple averaged about 65-75 miles/day. Their last 2 weeks of riding entailed riding through the hottest heat wave Europe ever suffered. To make their scheduled plans they rode daily, for two weeks, when it wss 90-100 degress. Their enjoyment of this (and prior cycling adventers) has led them to their newest venture of opening a Cycling Bed and Breakfast, in Stony Brook, this coming June. Check it out at I'm sure SBRA cyclists would appreciate their type of hospitality on trip away from LI.

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